Thanks for downloading WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo?. The version you downloaded is fully functional! So no disabled features, nag-windows or delayed start-ups. Unregistered copies are only limited to 100 transactions.
A small tutorial is available with the user guide. Please check it out!.
Please check on if you are really using the latest version. The latest version (both PowerPc as 68k) can be downloaded from that site.
Version 1.031
- Negative currency adjustments are booked again. (I am ashamed!)
Version 1.03
- Considere the fact that 193627 lires are worth 100 Euros and that 1000 Lires convert to 0,52 Euro. If you re-convert these 0,52 Euro to Lires, you arrive at 1006.8 lires. This is because 6,8 Lires (the difference) are worth about 0,0015 Euro or, after rounding, 0 Euro.
If one would keep the full precision, these 1000 Lires would convert to 0,5164569 Euro, which convert nicely back to 1000 Lires. WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? uses the highest precision when converting between currencies. However, the result is always rounded
to the second decimal for storing and display.
So if your home currency is EURO, there is no meaningfull difference between 1006 and 1000 lires. WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? will try to show the transaction header amount on the from/to and For side of the transaction in stead of showing 1006.8.
(Question for the EURO phone : What happens when I transfer 1000000 times 7 lires from an account expressed in EURO to and account expressed in lires?. My lires account will be at 7000000, but will the balance of my EURO account drop, given that 7 lires are 0 Euro?).
- Modifying the transaction currency now correctly updates the local amount on the transaction header.
- The 'intermediate currency' is now saved in every currency conversion record. This way you can change a currency from 'Normal' to 'Stock'. This feature is needed in Europe : before, dollars were quoted in Belgian franks, since januari first 1999, they are quoted in EURO's.
- When you modify the currency of an account,the new balance gets copied in the field 'Set balance To'. This way, the balance does not get screwed up if you accidently pass over that field.
- Currency added to the currency rate history table. (currency dialog).
- Pushing the refresh button on the main window now also updates the pie-charts.
- Opening a file that contains currencies of value-type stock that are expressed in other currencies with value-type 'stock' will no longer crash.
- Currency Fluctuations now get your local currency and an amount in the header. No zero transactions are generated anymore.
- When you enter an account balance before assigning that account an account type, you will get an errormessage in stead of a crash.
- No more freezes when scrolling through the master expense types o the expense types.
Version 1.02
- Another crash fixed in 'Transactions Per ExpenseType dialog'
- Rounding errors less than 0.005 are now accepted when balancing transactions
Version 1.01
Internal build.
- Changing the Graph preferences redraws all open graphs immediately.
- The period from-to set in the graph preferences dialog is now taken into account by the pie-charts as well.
- Crash fixed in 'Transactions Per ExpenseType dialog'
- The 'Balance' command now also works for credits.
Version 1.0
- Graph preferences added. you can now set the period you want to see in the graph, the periodicity (by month, week, day) and the background color of the graph (white backgound reduces flickering on macs with less powerfull processors). You have to close and reopen windows to see the changes.
- Balance command : available when you are on the amount of a transaction detail. Sets the value of that amount so the transaction is balanced. Nice when you copy from transactions and you have to change the amounts.
- A crash when modifying the transaction amount is solved.
- Pie charts on opening window are now clickable as well.
- Registration check added. Not-registered copies can only handle 100 transactions.
- Preference file added. Currently only stores password and userId.
- About Box shows registration status and version number.
- Solved : Crash when deleting an object that was selected in another open window.
- The 'Bookings Per...' dialogs close automatically when deleting transactions. This prevents a crash when these dialogs refresh.
- Memory allocation for 68k version went up to 2800k (Should be enough for over 1000 transactions).
Version 0,91
- Solved : system freeze when scrolling trough the transactions per account.
- Recurring transactions now correctly generate over the year-change
- Preference dialog accessible again.
- Changing the transaction date from recurring transactions is now taken as the starting point for starting to generate them.
Version 0.9
68k Version
A 68k version with the same functionalities as the PowerPc version is back in.
System 8.5 support
WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? offers support for the 8.5 navigation services and for the themes that did not make it into 8.5. (So you could call it 8.6 ready).
Bugs Fixed
- You can run the tutorial now without crashing your machine.
- Balloons showing the value of a graph element will no longer popup if WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo, runs in the bacground.
- Garbage characters removed from the title of some popup-windows
- And a lot more
Pie Charts
- When clicking a segment of a pie-chart (not in the main window yet), a window showing the raw data underneath will open.
Searching For Transactions
Double cliking on a transaction detail in one of the inquiry windows (transactions per account or transaction per expense type) will open the transacion complete dialog and select the transaction to which the licked detail belongs.
Master Expense Type Dialog
You can now create your own master expense types.
Graphs slightly Modified
- When the second lowest value to show in a graph is very close to the highest value and very far from the lowest value, the zero point is set to that second lowest value. This to avoid graphs starting from zero, going up high in the first period and staying attached to the top of the graph, as is typicaly the case when you start by putting in opening balances. (I wonder if anyone understands this description)
- A help balloon will popup when you move the mouse over a point in a graph.
- Manual debugged : lost of spelling mistakes where whiped out thanks to Dave Low. (Not yet uploaded with this version 0,82, will be done later)
Historical Currency Rates
- Whenver you modify a currency rate, a record is added to the rate history table.
More Balloon Help
Balloon help was added to all the setup windows and to the complete transaction entry window.
Table headings
Headers were added to the different tables, except fore those that scroll horizontally (I have not investigated yet how to make such headers scroll horizontally but not vertically, so I just left them out).
Version 0.82
640*480 Compliance
A smaller version of the transactions windows will be shown if your monitor is set to a resolution smaller than 800*600. (A feature to turn this on permanently will be added later). Thanks to a suggestion by Regvnald (lost your E-mail address after I reinitialized my hard-drive).
Balloon Help
Balloon help implemented using the ABalloon attachment of James W. Walker. The balloons will pop up when you do not move the cursor over a pane for some time as well. (I will add the possibility to turn this off later).
Drag and Drop
Drag from a list into a popup-field to enter data. In its current implementation, it may crash your mac if drag and drop is not installed.
Fixes in currency conversions
Exchange rate fluctuations are now booked as thy should be : 0 foreign value and something for local value. The amount in local currency are now added to the transaction detail list.
Graphs are now shown in local currency
It was quite frustration to see my AAPL stock (imaginary stock) stick to 100 AAPL, while it was rising so nicely in BEF.
Day-by day graphs
Graphs now show the day-by-day situation as long as you do not have more than 3 weeks of data. Between 4 weeks and 3 months, they move to week-view and they switch to month view when you have more than 3 months of data. (I should give the user control over this viewing!).
Version 0.81a
Bug Fixed
Tabbing trough the very first transaction on an empty file does not make the program crash anymore.
Version 0.81
Bug Fixed
Opening balances for foreign currency accounts : the generated transaction has now an expensetype amount expressed
in the foreign currency and no longer in the local currency.
Display of decimal values : decimal parts smaller than 0.1 are now correctly displayed. (0.09 used to be displayed as 0.9)
Graphs : If the graph is in week-mode, some extra weeks are added so transactions entered at the end of a month are shown in the graph.
Version 0.8a
Bug Fixed
Balance adjustments now generate with the right expensetype amount so they do not block you.
Version 0.8
Some defaults removed
The VAT to pay and VAT to receive master typesand account types are no longer created when you create a new file. Future versions of WhereIst? will allow you to define any account as VAT account.
The tax deductible expense radiobutton has disappeared from the expense type dialog box. From now on, any expense with a tax deductibility percentage bigger than zero is considered as tax deductible.
Classification for Expensetypes
Just as accounts can be classified in master Account types, Master expense types have been added to classify expense
Two-level expensetypes
Just like accounts, grouped in account types, expensetypes are now grouped in Master Expense Types. A window to maintain them will be added later.
Master expense types and Account types will be made hierarchical in a future release.
New Graphs
The graph engine of WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? has been completely rewritten. Clicking on bars of barcharts now reveals the details behind the numbers. Profits and losses that were displayed by two line graphs in the previous versions have now been rendered using bar-charts. A line-graph showing the cummulative total has been added.
'Bookings per account' dialog revamped
The accounts are now hierarchically structured per account type. If an account type is selected, all the details of all the accounts of that type cummulated in the detail panes.
Adds two more views to the existing debit-credit lists per account :
A first one showing debits and credits in one time ordered list. This graph offers an extra column that shows the balance of the account after the transaction.
A graph showing debits, credits and the cummulative position.
'Bookings per Expense Type' dialog revamped
The main list has been structered hierarchically per master expense type.
A bar- and a pie-chart is added to show the selected item - expense type or master expense type - graphically.
Version 0.7
Version 0.7 brings us one step closer to 1.0. A lot of bugs were fixed and some features were added. Here is a list.
Recurring transactions
Transactions that come back on a regular basis are now only to be entered once. You just have to specify when you want them to generate (e.g. every month, every last saturday of the month, every sunday, every 4th of july...) and WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? will do the rest.
Copy-Past transactions
A versy much needed possibility to Copy and paste transactions and recurring transactions. You can paste a transaction in a recurring transaction or a recurring transaction into a transaction, or a normal transaction into another normal transaction.
Buttons to add and delete transaction details
You can now add or delete individual transaction details. You do not have to rely on what WhereDidAllYourMoneyGo? suggest anymore.
Transaction validation
Version 0.6 just checked if debit, credit and expense type amounts were equal; While this is OK for debit-credit, it is not for expense types. Imagine the following transactions :
From : Bankaccount : 1000 To expenses unspecified 1000 For : Medical Costs 1000
From : Insurance : 1000 To : Bankaccount 1000 For : Medical Costs 1000
Version 0.6 would accept this. As a result of this, it would report a total medical cost of 2000. Version 0.7 will force you to enter an negative amount for the expense type of the second transaction (or to enter another expense type that reflects an income)so the total medical cost will be zero.
Own property accounts are now colored green, debts and liability accounts are colored red and profit and loss accounts are colored black (not colored at all). The same is true for expense types : expenses are colored red and income is colored green.
Fixes Automatic Transactions Automatically
While modifying the balance of an account, version 0.6 would always post a positive amount on the correction expense type. This is fixed in version 0.7. To update existing files, one should scroll over all transactions (pressing down-arrow and keeping it pressed). WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? will then repair all faulty transactions it generated itself and report on faulty transactions enetered by the user.
Re-calculating totals
Totals on expensetype level, on account level and on account-type level are recalculated when a file is opened.
Scrolling behaviour while entering transaction details is more logic now.
It is now possible to reach all transaction detail fields with the tab key.
Version 0.7 will only try to create a matching transaction detail (debit, credit or expensetype) if you are leaving the last detail. This makes repearing existing multi-detail transactions mucht easier.
Bugs fixed
And - of course - a lot of bugs were fixed.
Modifications Since Beta 1 : Version 0.6
Grayscale Appearance
Grayscale classes were included to give the program a MacOS 8 look. However, some parts still use the old paint-it-gray
yourself approach. Combining these two approaches temporarely pushes disk requirements over 1 Megabyte! That should
drop back in subsequent releases.
Income and expense pies
Pie charts were added to show income and expenses per expense type
Unspecified Income and Unspecified Transfers
These screens (unfinished in last beta) were updated. They only show the transactions that were created using these screens. You can only choose between the relevant accounts now (previous version showed all accounts!)
Transactions per account + Transactions per Expense Type
A new window showing transactions per account was added.
Register Application Included
Hey! You can register already! See at the end of this document for more info!
Registration Info For Belgian/Dutch Customers (Others, please read the file named 'how to register')
Je kan 700 Belgische frank/40 gulden in een enveloppe stoppen en ze opsturen naar
Bert Torfs BVBA
Wilselsesteenweg 245
3010 Kessel-Lo
Je krijgt dan een paswoord toegestuurd waarmee je eveneens BelgoFisc kan ontsluiten. Wel even vermelden indien je een factuur wenst.